+1 (973) 722-092
SharePoint managed services are aimed at ongoing monitoring of SharePoint solutions, solving technical issues, and improving features to maintain seamless operation with high performance. We offer professional managed services to support our customers’ SharePoint solutions. We help enterprises maintain and enhance their SharePoint environment and enable them to focus on their core activities.
Our team solves customization issues with your SharePoint solutions, such as intranets, document management systems, project management tools, etc. We maintain the stable work of your custom add-ins.
We ensure the seamless performance of your SharePoint solution integrated with enterprise systems (CRM, ERP, ECM, DMS), email (Outlook, Gmail), social media (Facebook, Twitter) services, and more. We also fix integration issues for hybrid SharePoint solutions.
As a Cloud Service Provider Partner, we resell Azure Cloud Services, including hosting and Office 365 licenses, with a price advantage. We also offer account administration and license management and provide consolidated billing for our services and the cloud licenses.
Tech Force MSP SharePoint managed services are available 24/7 and include:
Quick access to the metrics such as firewall rules, network bandwidth, etc. allows us to be aware of errors as soon as they happen and take immediate action to resolve the issues.
We carry out an in-depth analysis of SharePoint performance and its components to detect bottlenecks, such as slow load time. Then, if we reveal problems in CPU, RAM, etc., we troubleshoot these issues.
We handle trouble tickets on the loss of critical data, application errors, SharePoint functionality degradation, etc. in conformity with a service level agreement (SLA).
Tech Force MSP assists you in evaluating the overall protection of your SharePoint solution, including checking security certificates and updates, permissions, antivirus configuration, etc.
We ensure the protection of work processes and collaboration in SharePoint by installing the latest security patches regularly. To avoid any application interruptions we apply the zero downtime patching (ZDP) method. Besides security patches, we install bug fixes and patches (e.g., language patches) that improve performance and usability of a SharePoint solution.
Besides standard managed services, we provide SharePoint consulting to help your enterprise make the best of SharePoint capabilities in case of significant changes in your SharePoint solution, for example:
Please reach out to us for a free IT consultation.
Contact Us
📧 Sales@Tech-Force.Net
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